We gather in worship to find meaning and live more deeply. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond us, calling us to our better selves, calling us to live with wisdom and compassion.

Unitarian Universalist worship styles vary by congregation, and even within congregations. Some congregations’ worship is contemporary and high tech. Some congregations’ worship is traditional and formal. Some features exuberant music, some includes long periods of silent reflection.

Elements of a typical Pacific Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sunday morning worship service include:

  • Words of welcome
  • Lighting a flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
  • Music, both instrumental and vocal
  • Gathering Affirmations – a vocal commitment to our fellowship.
  • An offering
  • Music for Meditation
  • Time for All Ages, when the children go to the stage for our speaker to read a story
  • A time for lifting up the joys and concerns of participants
  • A sermon given by our minister, a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation
  • A closing hymn
  • Extinguishing the chalice
  • Closing Circle, when we join hands and sing “Let There be Peace on Earth”

After the Time for All Ages, we “sing out the children” as they go to room adjacent to the sanctuary with their teachers for the remainder of the service.

Childcare is available most Sundays.

After service we meet in the Fellowship Hall whose entrance is up the hill and around the corner for coffee and snacks. On the second Sunday of each month we have a potluck. Our part-time minister Rev. Mira Kepler is here on that Sunday.

There is no service on Labor Day.  We return the first Sunday after Labor Day and hold our Water Gathering Ceremony.