Topic: UU Values

Sunday March 1, 2020

This week’s speaker is Karen Beck, who is the co-chair this year of the annual WINGS Conference at Clatsop Community College. WINGS is an acronym for Women Interested in Going to School. WINGS is a free conference designed to help women explore educational and career … read more.

Sunday February 16 2020

The speaker this week is Sarah Loose from The Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice

Sarah Loose is the Senior Lead Organizer for IMIrJ, the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice.  IMIrJ accompanies and equips communities and people of faith to advance immigrant justice through direct accompaniment of immigrants facing detention and … read more.

Sunday February 9 2020

Seth Tichenor will be the speaker, topic “On Race, Recognition & Reconciliation”  What are the origins and role of institutional racism in our nation, how does that undermine us as a nation and the ideals (both political and spiritual) that we wish to pursue?  How might we … read more.

Sunday February 2, 2020

For this service Frank Erickson will discuss Health Care for All Oregon (HCAO), a statewide coalition of over 120 member and endorsing organizations working to achieve a comprehensive, equitable, publicly funded, and high-quality health care system to service all Oregon residents. This is something we … read more.

January 19 2020

Arline LaMear will speak about “Martin Luther King, Jr.: Dare to Dream”.  She says: “Martin Luther King is one of my heroes, a man unafraid to risk his life for a dream.  I’ll share some thoughts on Dr. King and then ask members of the fellowship to … read more.

January 12 2020

Rev. Tracy Springberry is speaking on “The Commanding Presence of Fear”.  Rev. Springberry serves the West Hills UU Fellowship in Portland.  “Fear is one of our strongest emotions.  Sometimes it leads us astray, particularly when it comes to implicit bias.  How do we stay … read more.

Sunday December 1 2019

“Ministering to the Needs of the Homeless: Drop-in Day Center and the Warming Center”.  Nelle Moffett and Rick Bowers, ordained interfaith ministers and founders of Common Ground Interspiritual Fellowship here in Astoria, are also community activists working to find solutions to our homeless problem.  They … read more.

Sunday November 17 2019

This week’s topic is “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure” – Amy Baker, Executive Director of Clatsop Behavioral Healthcare

Amy believes that we should be spending more of our time and resources on preventing mental illness instead of trying to treat it … read more.

Sunday November 3 2019

Our speakers this week will be Monica Vogel Pearson & Laurie Caplan from Indivisible North Coast Oregon (INCO), answering questions like:What is INCO?  What are their goals?  How can you get involved? 

INCO is a grass-roots organization similar to thousands around the country whose purpose is … read more.

Sunday October 20, 2019

Our speaker this week is Alan Evans – “Helping Hands”

Helping Hands was founded by Alan Evans, who was homeless for over 25 years.  He was stuck in a cycle of homelessness and addiction without adequate resources to help him make positive changes to be able … read more.