Topic: UU Values

Living the 7 UU Values

We can probably recite the 7 Principles, but do we know them by heart? Are our Principles just worthy aspirations divorced from everyday life, or do our hearts call us to live our values of justice, equity, interdependence, generosity, transformation, pluralism and love every day? … read more.

Why Not Both? Being Spiritual and Religious

Intern Minister Danielle Garrett

As Unitarian Universalists who covenant together in community and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning, we affirm our identity as spiritual and religious people. But those are loaded terms, often for good reason! How can … read more.

The 8th UU Principle

Laura Gordon will talk about our newest UU principle:

Love is the central tenet of our faith, yet racism, white supremacy and other oppressions are pervasive in our society. The 8th Principle project is asking the UUA Article II Commission and individual UU congregations to build … read more.

Guest at Your Table

We will be presenting our annual “Guest at Your Table” program.  This program is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) and showcases their work around the world.  Donation boxes to place on your tables during the holidays to support the work of the … read more.

Sunday May 10, 2020

Our visiting minister this week is The Rev. Connie Yost:  “Hope in a Dark Time”.

In all the loss and grief of this global pandemic, there is an unprecedented opportunity for us to create a world that works for everyone.  How can … read more.

April 19, 2020

The service will be about the Peace Corps.  The speakers will be Nancy Logan, Dave Ambrose and Matt Crichton.

Services are via Zoom at 11 am Sundays:  Password: 900373 

Alternate:   Meeting ID 535-773-1669.  Password: 900373.

To join by telephone, call 1 253 215 … read more.