Topic: UU Values

Weaving Our Lives

Sunday Worship for UUA GA


We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all of us are held in … read more.

The Change We Hope to Bring (video sermon)

Rev.  Phil Lund


Outreach means much more than leaving literature about Unitarian Universalism around town. In fact, UUA’s Outreach Director Carey MacDonald said in a blog: “When you talk about what your congregation offers, think ‘join our cause’ instead of ‘join our club.’ Show what your … read more.

UU Justice Sunday: Immigrant Justice

Rev. Barbara Prose
President of the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice (IMIrJ)


Founded in 2006, IMIrJ is an organization formed by diverse faith communities, faith leaders, and individuals called by conscience to respond actively and publicly to the suffering of our immigrant kin in the U.S. … read more.

Service is Our Prayer

Arline LaMear

We are a fellowship of volunteers, making our communities better places to live.  We will hear from our members what they’re up to and how they’re helping to make a difference in our community.

~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are … read more.

Reparations for Black Americans

Laura Gordon

Slavery, Jim Crow and continued systemic racism have resulted in a racial wealth gap between Black and White Americans.  Many advocate for cash reparations.  But repairing the harm will require more than just a onetime cash payment.  True repentance and repair for centuries of … read more.

Why Not Both? Being Spiritual and Religious

Intern Minister Danielle Garrett

As Unitarian Universalists who covenant together in community and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning, we affirm our identity as spiritual and religious people. But those are loaded terms, often for good reason! How can … read more.

Guest at Your Table: Pursuing Liberation

UUSC & Reverend Julian Jamaica Soto

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee is UU’s longest-established fundraising and educational program to advance human rights. This Sunday we celebrate the UUSC Guest at Your Table program. This year’s theme recognizes that rising authoritarianism threatens the lives of people and … read more.

Report from GA/Article II Information

Discussion on GA topics.  More info TBA


Link to Service Video:


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending … read more.

This Is Not a Dharma Talk

Reverend Mira Kepler 

Amidst the ancient wisdom and teachings of the world’s prophets and religions, Unitarian Universalism holds up another source of truth: the sacred text of our own lives. Join Reverend Mira to explore the ways we can explore these rich and varied stories to live … read more.

UUA General Assembly Worship Service

Potluck & Membership Meeting

We will stream a worship service from the UUA General Assembly, which is happening this week in Pittsburgh. This means our service will be longer than usual. We will have our annual Membership Meeting and election of officers for the Board of … read more.