Topic: Lay Led Service

The Satanic Temple

Laura Gordon

The Satanic Temple is a non-theistic church whose adherents follow the Seven Tenets. They are inclusive social justice advocates. Sound familiar? What does UU have in common with TST and how are they different?


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are … read more.

International Women’s Day

Meredith first learned of International Women’s Day in Russia in 1990. She honors this day by reflecting on the status of women in 2023, the progress that has been made toward women’s equality over the past 30 years, the setbacks we have recently faced, and … read more.

SoapBox Sunday

Frank E and Laura G have long been advocates for fundamental reform of the US healthcare system. Laura will talk about our current non-system, which fails all of us on so many levels. Frank will talk about what it means for Oregon since passage of … read more.

Three Remarkable Men

Dave Ambrose


We all meet people who inspire us to be better people and do better things.  Dave Ambrose will introduce us to 3 people he has met in his travels and relate how their faith and UU principles have similarities.  The 3 people who have … read more.

The Poor People’s Campaign

Jan. 15 – Arline LaMear ~ “The Poor People’s Campaign”

The Poor People’s Campaign, or Poor People’s March on
Washington, was a 1968 effort to gain economic justice for
poor people in the U.S. It was organized by Martin Luther King,
Jr. and the Southern Christian … read more.

Letting Go and Opening to Receiving

When we let go of all the things that we cannot control, when we stop shoulding on ourselves and others, shouldn’ting on ourselves and others, worrying about the future, and wishing the past could have been different than it was, then we open ourselves to … read more.

Pacific CUUPs Yule

Come join the Pacific Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans in Celebrating Yule, the Longest Night!

We will talk about and honor Krampus and St. Lucia, as well as discuss other European Folk Traditions and the significance of the Yule/Christmas tree and its origins.  If you wish … read more.