Topic: Guest Speaker

My Journey Through Breast Cancer with Music Guiding the Way

Noted local violinist Kim Angelis will talk about the twists, turns and surprises of her journey through breast cancer treatment, and how they affected her musical odyssey.  She will also perform compositions that emerged from that experience.


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are … read more.

The Ku Klux Klan in Astoria

Astoria’s African American history dates back to 1805, when York traveled through the area as part of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. A handful of sailors and fur traders came in the decades that followed. By the late 1800s, a small number of Black residents … read more.

Helping Instead of Hurting: Palliative Care

“Helping Instead of Hurting: How Palliative Care Can Increase Quality of Life and Reduce Suffering of Those Living with Chronic Conditions” – Jacqueline DeVaney, Family Nurse Practitioner.  Palliative care is a branch of healthcare that is not well known or understood, even amongst many health … read more.

Why Religious Community?

Wildly unpredictable – no doubt that’s how most of us would describe events in our lives and in the world today.  As this pandemic persists into its third year amidst political and social uncertainty, you may not seek escape through the latest Netflix series, but … read more.

Music for Joy & Healing

Flutist Shelley Loring and pianist Jennifer Goodenberger will perform music from their upcoming concert.  “It has been a challenging two years for not only our country, but for the world.  As we reemerge from the difficult time, we want to share beautiful music that we not only love, … read more.