Topic: Guest Speaker

Winter Restores

Jennifer Springsteen

With every turning of the season, there is peace to be found in nature. When we take our cues from the web of all existence, we see the possibilities for quiet, joy, and restoration.
Jennifer Springsteen is in her final year of seminary at Starr … read more.

Coming Back to the Center

The common good is the moral center on which this country was founded, yet it seems as if there is a decreasing sense that we are all in this together. We must reclaim and proclaim our understanding of the common good, reminding ourselves and others … read more.

Getting Siblied

Mallory Eaglewood’s paternal grandparents shared a wound – both of them were forced to leave their families as children to assimilate into a culture that wasn’t theirs. But one was a White man, and one was a Native woman, meaning the grandmother’s history and … read more.

Lifeboat Services

The director of Lifeboat Services will provide an overview of their many programs which include overnight stays, laundry, a clothing closet, advocacy, resources, rehabilitation and meeting the immediate needs of those suffering from homelessness and poverty.

~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~

We … read more.

The Meaning of Islam

Tawab Kamawal

Northwest Dawah Foundation

Northwest Dawah Foundation is an outreach organization formed to share the message of Islam with others, both by helping Muslims connect back to their religion by supporting religious, educational and social activities for Muslims, and by providing support for the needy and … read more.

Making Peace with End of Life

This will include the sermon at noon, a light lunch, followed by a workshop of the same title from 2-4 p.m.

Dr. Terry Daniel is an interfaith hospice chaplain, end-of-life educator, and grief counselor certified in death, dying, bereavement, and trauma support.  She conducts workshops throughout … read more.

The Purpose of Poetry

People have a wide range of responses to poetry, from a deep sense of meaning and connection to an aversion to something that seems unnecessarily obscure.  But what, exactly is poetry for?  And what might that purpose have to do with religion?

Dr. Lynn Ungar is … read more.


How are we, as Unitarian Universalists, to respond to attempts in recent months to ban books and censor honest accounts of history?  As a tradition rooted in a commitment to the use of reason and freedom of religious thought, our long history as a faith … read more.