Topic: Guest Speaker


Ian Kepler

This week we welcome Mr. Ian Kepler who will share his experience of his Buddhist practice.

Ian Kepler is a social worker and therapist with ten years of meditation experience in the Zen Buddhist tradition. He was a resident at Great Vow … read more.

The Signals We Give

Reverend Sharon K. Dittmar


In his poem, “A Ritual to Read to One Another,” William E. Stafford clarifies why humans must communicate with one another, and to do so well and clearly. Many of us are still struggling with grief and anxiety after both the election … read more.

Prophetic Power and The Work for Justice

Rev. Carol McKinley

The longing for justice, equity, and peace is not new; ancient peoples expressed their hopes in myths, songs and stories.  Prophets who warned of looming catastrophes were shunned, much as today’s prophets whose warnings of environmental and social dangers are ignored … read more.

Perspectives of Queer Identity

Sean Minogue and Adriana Guerrero 

On June 2nd, PUUF will host three community members to share experiences and answer questions about our LGBTQIA Coastal community, their safety, what we should know and how we can best support our queer friends and family. Lindsay Gilinsky, Benedetto DeFrancisco … read more.

Militarism & Democracy

David Delk

America, the empire, spends hundreds of millions of dollars each year promoting preparation for war and for conducting wars around the world. David will examine the host of human needs which lack adequate funds to develop solutions for, like housing, childcare, student debt and the climate … read more.

The Church: To Be and To Do

Byron “Tyler” Coles

In our sometimes chaotic world of great change internally and externally, we must ask ourselves, “What is the Church to be and do in this time?” Come, let us gather in community as we reflect on this question, speak honestly of our journey, … read more.

Living into the Living System

Living Into the Living System, a sermon by Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, gives positive thoughts and reflections on how to navigate our current world with love and courage. Lay leader Laura Janes presents this service, with Reverend Millspaugh’s sermon delivered on pre-recorded video.

~Open hearts, open … read more.

Why Not Both? Being Spiritual and Religious

Intern Minister Danielle Garrett

As Unitarian Universalists who covenant together in community and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning, we affirm our identity as spiritual and religious people. But those are loaded terms, often for good reason! How can … read more.

Helping Hands Reentry

Josh Blomquist

Josh Blomquist from Helping Hands Reentry Program will provide an update on this organization which now has 11 facilities in Oregon dedicated to “providing a helping hand to sustainable life through Resources, Recovery and Reentry.”

Service video:

~Open hearts, open minds, room for … read more.