Speaker: Pacific CUUPs

Ostara – A Pagan Spring Rite

We honor the Vernal equinox. This unique time of balance between day and night. Ostara celebrates the ancient rates of renewal as the Earth turns slowly from winter to spring. As the light slowly overtakes the dark and we rejoice in new beginnings. CUUPS members … read more.

Yule/Winter Solstice – PUUF CUUPS group

Yule, otherwise known as the Winter Solstice, is a pagan holiday that marks the longest night of the year. Since the night hours will only get shorter after that point, Yuletide represents the rebirth of the Sun God. In essence, it is the symbolic end … read more.

Pacific CUUPs Beltane Ritual

Pacific CUUPs 

Come join Pacific CUUPs for Beltane, sometimes called May Day, as we celebrate what the Celts celebrated as the start of summer.  We will honor the Celtic god of light and fire, Bel, as well as other deities related to fertility and cleansing.
… read more.

Paganism 101: What is Paganism?

What is Paganism?  What are Pagans beliefs?  Pacific CUUPagans will provide an introduction to paganism…what is it, what it isn’t, what is its history, and what are the practices of this earth-based religion?  We will also look at several of the main subsects of Paganism, … read more.

Pacific CUUPs Imbolc Ritual

Come join Pacific CUUPs for our Imbolc Ritual!  It is a time of new beginnings and growth.  We start to notice the longer, warmer days as the dark winter fades and the wheel of the year turns toward Spring.  The people had made it through the hardships … read more.

Samhain/Day of the Dead Ritual

Pacific CUUPs

In many countries and in many different traditions, people remember and celebrate their ancestors who have passed before them and give thanks for an abundant harvest. We look to the similarities of differing traditions, to mythology and storytelling to tease out a deeper understanding. … read more.

Litha, the Summer Solstice Ritual

The service will be in Fellowship Hall

Pacific CUUPS

Join Pacific CUUPs in celebrating Litha, the Summer Solstice Ritual as we honor the sun and solar deities, Aengus Og, Celtic God of Youth, Aine, Celtic Goddess of Summer, and the longest day and shortest night.  Bring offerings … read more.