“That Shiver of Awe” — Rev. Katie Larsell

“That Shiver of Awe”

Awe is that big emotion that jumps up and surprises us, sometimes when we least expect it. A sunset, a birth, a death or a perfect triple-double flip performed by Simone Biles touches us. This sermon explores the spiritual emotion of awe, which connects us to big truths about life and our place in it.

My bio: Rev. Katie A Larsell is a community minister affiliated with Eastrose Fellowship Unitarian Universalists in Gresham, Oregon. She works for the improvement of east Portland as her primary ministry. Her religious passion is the connection between science and religion — especially through the new science of emotions, animal behavior and positive psychology.

Rev Katie A Larsell

Affiliated Community Minister

Eastrose Unitarian Universalist Fellowship