Sunday September 8 2019

Annie Scott will speak about “Water, the Source of Life.”  Annie will help lead the water communion service and guide us in reflecting on how water might inspire and challenge our spiritual lives.

Annie Scott, a Credentialed Religious Educator, has been a Unitarian Universalist religious educator for 27 years and this summer began serving as a field staff for the Pacific Western Region Congregational Life staff of the UUA. She has served congregations as a Director of Religious Education in Oregon City, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Golden, Colorado. She most recently served as DRE for Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, CO and as President of the Continental Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA). She and her husband, Mick Mortlock, raised their children in Unitarian Universalist congregations and have just moved to Astoria to live near one of their daughters, her partner and two-year old granddaughter, Emerson Ann.

Unitarian Universalists traditionally start the new church year with a special Water Ceremony, celebrating the end of summer and the beginning of new experiences together. Folks are encouraged to bring a small amount of water which represents some spiritual or other important moment in their recent lives.  We pool the waters in a common vessel, symbolizing the importance of our lives’ moments to ourselves and by extension to the community.  People write down the meaning of their water on note cards which are then read in a litany at the end of the ceremony.

We also begin again the monthly potluck held every second Sunday, held at the Masonic Temple across the street from the PAC.

Religious Education will be available for the children during the service.
