Sunday December 29, 2019

Our speaker this week is Kari Gottfried. Kari’s topic is: “How to Jump-start Your Spiritual Life.”  As we wrap up the year and look towards 2020, it can be easy to get discouraged. Sometimes the world seems like it’s on fire and sometimes it actually is. How can we, as Unitarian Universalists, stay afloat and stay committed to all that our faith dares us to be? It begins with paying attention to the world, discerning where our values and priorities truly lie, and committing ourselves to working towards a better future to all. On December 29, guest preacher Kari Gottfried will offer tools to bring into your own life so that we can deepen in our shared Unitarian Universalist faith.

Kari Gottfried is lifelong UU from Corvallis, Oregon, currently studying religion and political science at Wellesley College. She is a Luminary Leader, Summer Seminary, and Thrive alumna and served for two years as Youth Dean at the UUA General Assembly. Kari believes in loving loudly and is deeply committed to Unitarian Universalist ministry.

Social time after the service will be in the “green room” downstairs.  Religious education for children is available during the services.