Barbara Bate is not only the best accompanist on the Long Beach Peninsula. She’s also an ordained Methodist minister, the statewide leader of NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness), and one of the guiding lights behind the Peninsula’s Warming Hut movement.
This Sunday we have our traditional 5th Sunday of singing our favorite PUUF Hymns:
- Coffee, Coffee, Coffee (words in insert)
- #1046 (teal songbook) “Shall We Gather at the River”
- #1064 (teal songbook) “Blue Boat Home”
- #1021 (teal songbook) “Lean On Me”
- #21 “For the Beauty of the Earth”
- #305 “De Colores”
- #121 “We’ll Build a Land”
- #1018 (teal songbook) “Come and Go With Me”
- #169 “We Shall Overcome”
- #311 “Let It Be a Dance”
- #400 “Shalom Havayreem”