Loving Our Earth — Stacey Mitchell (Intern at First UU)

Loving Our Earth

We live in precarious times–our Earth is ill. How do we care for each other and Earth in such vulnerable moments?


Stacey Mitchell is currently Intern Minister at First Unitarian Church of Portland OR. Stacey will be graduating from Union Theological Seminary in 2021. Her career has consisted of working for the international peace organization The Fellowship of Reconciliation and the inter-faith meditation retreat center The Garrison Institute. Stacey’s other non-profit experience has included working for the Sierra Club and volunteering for Centro Mujeres, a Latina rights non-profit in Mexico and the United States. Also, Stacey previously lived at a Buddhist Monastery in Canada for a couple of years. Stacey was raised in Washington State and loves all the beauty of nature that the Pacific Northwest region offers.