Pacific CUUPs Eostre/Spring Ritual

Pacific CUUPs will be celebrating the Vernal/Spring Equinox with a Ritual for Eostre.  We will be welcoming deities of spring from various cultures with a focus on Eostre/Ostara, with folktales of how the Easter Bunny started.  We will raise energy and write wishes and hopes for ourselves and the world to grow and bloom like the flowers of spring, as the light continues to increase in the ever-turning wheel of the year.

**Please note:  Service will be in the Fellowship Hall!


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending in person.  Masks are now optional but strongly advised. If you are not feeling well, please wear a mask, or attend via Zoom.


Religious Education for Children will occur during the regular service. 

Contact Adriana at for more information.


We will have Coffee after the service in Fellowship Hall!
