Ostara – A Pagan Spring Rite

We honor the Vernal equinox. This unique time of balance between day and night. Ostara celebrates the ancient rates of renewal as the Earth turns slowly from winter to spring. As the light slowly overtakes the dark and we rejoice in new beginnings. CUUPS members Rissa and Rhonda will be performing the service.

We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending in person.  Masks are now optional but strongly advised. If you are not feeling well, please wear a mask, or attend via Zoom.


Religious Education for Children will occur during the regular service. 

Send an email to Puufreligioused@Pacuuf.org for more information.


Join us for Coffee Hour after the service in Fellowship Hall!
