Making Peace with End of Life

This will include the sermon at noon, a light lunch, followed by a workshop of the same title from 2-4 p.m.

Dr. Terry Daniel is an interfaith hospice chaplain, end-of-life educator, and grief counselor certified in death, dying, bereavement, and trauma support.  She conducts workshops throughout the U.S. and teaches at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.  We have an aging fellowship, and most of us have had to deal with death, severe illness, and memory loss within our own families.  It is often very difficult to know how to help others (or yourself!) in these situations.  In this workshop, Dr. Daniel will cover death and grief practices from a variety of cultural and religious perspectives, how death is addressed in our modern medical system, hospice and how it differs from palliative care, family dynamics in end-of-life bereavement, and creative rituals and ceremonies for death, dying and grieving.  Registration forms will be sent out for the workshop.
