How to Create Change

Jane Adams will present a service entitled “How to Create Change”.
Change is good because you have the opportunity to embrace new experiences. New perspectives are waiting for you every day. When you look back on your life, all of the really amazing things are because of new experiences you have had. All of the people you have met, all the places you have been have given you a new perspective. These experiences now make up who you are today. How you view these experiences creates the quality of your life.
I consider myself the luckiest person on the face of this earth. I have had the gift of many wonderful careers, engineering (20 Years) and as a therapist (25 years).  I have taught at the college level for over 15 years at the undergrad and master’s level. I have taught classes in Psychology, Philosophy and Religion, Human Services, Human Development, Social Work, Adult Basic Skills, Early Childhood Education, and Sociology. I now consider myself to be a painter and enjoy my life being retired with my wonderful wife.