Getting Siblied

Mallory Eaglewood’s paternal grandparents shared a wound – both of them were forced to leave their families as children to assimilate into a culture that wasn’t theirs. But one was a White man, and one was a Native woman, meaning the grandmother’s history and culture were secret, not to be spoken of in public. Their stories are shared by hundreds of thousands of people throughout North America. Mallory will share her grandparents’ history and its impact on her own life as a Canadian.


Bio: Mallory Eaglewood has written six books: 2 novels: THROWAWAY PEOPLE and PINK PISTACHIOS; 3 books of poetry: HUMMINGBIRDSVols 1 and 2(English Poetry) and Oiseaux-Mouches (French Poetry); and 1 collection of short stories, THE GOOD LIFE(sailing in the South Pacific).

She has had a career in teaching literature, working as Head Teacher, lecturer and Course Programmer in English Literature.

Her life experiences include serving as an officer in the Canadian Military, being a meditation mentor in a Buddhist Abbey, dealing with a gunman in the Syrian desert, and not becoming lunch for a couple of 5 ft sharks at 30 feet below the surface, off Bali.

She has lived and worked in Scotland, England, Germany and Greece.

A grandmother of three, She’s presently a full-time writer from my home base, a small red cabin in the woods, situated on a sparsely populated little island off the coast of British Columbia.


~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~


We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending in person. Masks are now optional. If you are not feeling well, please wear a mask, or attend via Zoom.

Religious Education for Children will occur during the regular service. 


We will have coffee hour after the service in Fellowship Hall.
