Solstice Service — Adriana Caron, lay leader

A Solstice Greeting
     from PUUF’s Connections Committee  


       As we approach the summer solstice on June 20, our thoughts turn to the life-giving energy of the sun, personified by ancient cultures the world over as a god or goddess of strength and power. The ancient Greeks believed in the sun god Helios, who daily drove his four-horse chariot across the sky.

An anonymous poet from the time of Homer wrote in praise of Helios: “Glowing Helios, tireless Helios!  As he rides in his golden-yoked chariot drawn by four stallions, he shines upon us.  Bright rays beam dazzlingly from him….Hail to you, Lord Helios! Freely bestow on me substance that cheers the heart.”
At this time of the solstice, may the tireless Sun bestow on each of you “substance that cheers the heart.”