Discussion on Bioethics

Discussion on Bioethics

led by Frank & Nancy Logan

Order of Service:


January 24, 2021

Announcements – Laura Gordon

Gathering Affirmation (In Unison)

“Love is the spirit of this Fellowship and service is its prayer. This is our great Covenant, to dwell together in peace, to seek truth in love, and to help one another” Welcome and introductions

Opening Words & Chalice Lighting:  Nancy Logan
Offering followed by “Spirit of Life”
Candles of the Heart

Program: Brave New World

CRISPR and Sicklecell:  Frank Logan

Insights from a career in nursing:  Terri Daniels

CRISPR:  Nancy Logan

Designer Children: Nancy


Closing Hymn: “One More Step” ~ written and performed by Joyce Poley
Benediction & Extinguishing the Chalice

“Let There Be Peace On Earth”

Thank you!
To Arline LaMear for presenting the service, toNancy Logan for being our lay leader and Frank Erickson for hosting the Zoom service.