7/26/2020 Discussion: Racial Bias: Nature or Nurture?

Facilitator:  Arline LaMear

Arline has invited Andy Marshall and Ron Craig to share their insights. They have suggested that we view two films ahead of the service, for discussion at the service. We tried Sunday and we are not able to share either movie using the Zoom platform, so you will have to seek these films out on your own.

“Harriet” is the extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman’s escape from slavery and transformation into one of America’s greatest heroes. This film was recently released and is available as a DVD for purchase or rent, or for rent/purchase from several streaming services.

“I Am Not Your Negro” is a documentary based on the writings of James Baldwin in which the essence is about Black-White race relations in the U.S. This film is available on the streaming services Netflix and AmazonPrime Video if you are a subscriber. It is also available for rent/purchase on other streaming services.