6/21/20 — “Human Trafficking” — Seaside Mayor Jay Barber

Seaside Mayor Jay Barber will speak about “Human Trafficking”.  Dr. Barber’s sharing will focus on the growing menace of “Minor Sex Trafficking:  Human Trafficking being the fastest growing crime in American”.  Being aware of how traffickers work to entice victims into the sex trade is the first step to helping eradicate it and what Shared Hope International is doing to fight this battle.

Dr. Barber has served as a consultant to the Founder and President of Shared Hope International, former Congress Woman Linda Smith for the past 15 years.  He is President Emeritus of Warner Pacific College in Portland, retiring after a twelve year stint as President of that institution.  He has served as the Director of the Oregon Health Sciences University Foundation, as Director of Mercy Corps for 15 years, was elected to the Seaside City Council, and is currently the Mayor of Seaside.  He has seen the terrible ravages of human trafficking and will share with us ways we might help end this societal plague.