11/1/20 On the Ballot

Daylight Savings Time Ends-Fall Back

Sunday November 1 at 10:00 am

On The Ballot
  Reverend William Sinkford
First Unitarian Church, Portland

As we approach Election Day (in what will likely be election month), what is on the ballot for us? What hopes? What fears? What values can ground us as the political din moves toward crescendo and we prepare for what will follow?

Note the time!
Join UUCCWC Hillsboro
October 25, 2020, 10:00 am

Join via Zoom:

Service is 10-11am. You then have the choice of gathering to meet others in the UUCCWC Hillsboro Congregation in the Zoom Breakout rooms OR join PUUF for a separate PUUF Coffee Hour

Join PUUF Coffee Hour via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 899 0375 4476
Passcode: 796008
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