10/4/20 Emergent Leadership: Strategies for Love — UUCCWC yoked service

Emergent Leadership: Strategies for Love
Sunday 10/4/2020 10:00 am 
presented by our own Minister,
Rev. Denise Cawley 

We will explore new ways of looking at leadership, service leadership, and emergent strategies. In this time of renewing our covenants, committee charters, policies and building a relationship with a new minister, Emergent Strategy leadership teaches us wisdom from nature to drive our committees and justice work. How do we center spirituality in our covenants and transformative justice? How do we truly show up for one another, and lean into conflict with curiosity, in order to build a resilient future? These leadership techniques are being use in our Black Lives Matter movements and activism arenas.

Note the time!
Join UUCCWC Hillsboro
October 4, 2020, 10:00 am

 Join via Zoom:

Service is 10-11am. You then have the choice of gathering to meet others in the UUCCWC Hillsboro Congregation in the Zoom Breakout rooms OR join PUUF for a separate PUUF Coffee Hour