10/11/20 UU the Vote collective virtual service

UU The Vote

In these midst of global pandemic, rising authoritarianism, and uprising, lives hang in the balance and the future of democracy is on the line. In response, Unitarian Universalists are answering the call of our faith, building powerful partnerships to mobilize our communities to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate in the 2020 elections. Join UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray, the UU the Vote team, and a lineup of powerful, prophetic UU voices as we explore the intersections of faith, justice, and democracy in this collective virtual service.

Thank you to Rev. Denise Cawley, UUCCWC Worship Team, JUST-Act, and Pacific UU Fellowship (PUUF) for contributing to bringing this service to our congregations. We are participating in this denomination wide event with leaders throughout our denomination and special musical guests.

Special donation for UU The Vote efforts:

If you would like to get involved or donate to UU the Vote you can visit uuthevote.org, or text VOTELOVE to 91999 to help #VoteLove and #DefeatHate

(There is a drop down for PUUF when you visit the donation link at UUtheVote.org )


Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/4312377276