What’s been happening in the coffee klatches this fall? I thought you might like to know what our long-standing (and new) coffee klatches are discussing. We’re hungry to know the news from the pews and this might help keep us informed.
The Astoria group met today, with a great group of about 8 or 9 on Susan Olson’s patio, discussing everything from the latest British streaming movies AND the amazing “Ted Lasso”. We had a new attendee—Janet Vincent, who joins us from Svensen! (Refreshments were Blue Scorcher scones with clotted cream and jam!)
Last weekend, the South county group meeting at Nancy Holmes’ backyard in Seaside hashed over the latest Seaside issues. This is a group with 3 (count them, three) medical authorities in attendance, which is a great source of wisdom on a number of pandemic concerns. (Refreshments included DoughDough pastries!)
The Tillamook county group, which meets in Manzanita on June Baumler’s deck, has the distinction of a couple of birthright UUs, meaning folks who grew up in UUism. And do they have some history tales to tell about how Portland UU churches came together. Fascinating to hear Susan Dietsche’s tales of those days of her youth. (Refreshments were bread pudding mini muffins and Sherien Jaeger has been known to add to the goodies, when she joins us from Rockaway.)
The Peninsula group has had some sad moments, losing dear people—a beloved son (Logans) and a dear granddad (Martineaus). This coming Saturday, Oct. 9, we’ll regroup and find friendship and compassion among our PUUF friends at Terri Daniels’ house in Ocean Park. Who knows what the refreshments will be? We’ll let you know.
Looking forward to October Saturday coffee klatches! And we need to make some plans for coping with wet weather this fall, if the COVID continues to be a real problem.