Hi, Pacific UU Fellowship:
As a leader of the Climate Action Team at the UU Fellowship of Corvallis, I’m asking that this invitation to participate in the interfaith Earth Month webinar series Care for Creation is a sacred honor we all share be extended to the members and friends of PACUUF.
The series is sponsored by the Corvallis First United Methodist Church, Corvallis First Congregational United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis, and the Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee. The series will include presentations by Seeds for the Sol https://www.seedsforthesol.org, the Oregon Clean Power Coop https://oregoncleanpower.coop, and the Corvallis Carbon Offset Fund https://www.corvalliscarbonoffset.us.
While originating from Corvallis faith communities, the series is applicable to all Oregonians.
There are digital and printable versions of the poster that present the information below. Earth Month print pdf Earth Month digital pdf Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Earth Month webinar series: Mon 24 – Fri 28 Apr, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Care for Creation is a sacred honor we all share.
There are new opportunities for people of faith to make a difference in caring for our Earth! Pending federal funds and state programs pending will be available to renters/landlords, homeowners, and business owners to subsidize energy efficiency upgrades and solar energy. This series will provide information for Oregon’s faith communities to help all Oregonians shift to energy efficiency and renewable energy in ways that are equitable and accessible to all.
Details and sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/earth-day-webinar-series-tickets-569868611357 .
Michael Hughes
541 543 9450 (Text please)
The one thing we need more than hope is action. Once we start to act, hope is everywhere.” Greta Thunberg