Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

Google Map

Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

Astoria Happy Hour!

Join your fellow PUUFers for a drink and a chat at: Pacific Distillery   55 Fourth Street, Astoria

Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk

Mark the change of seasons with a candlelight labyrinth walk, accompanied by Jennifer Goodenberger's original piano meditations.  The labyrinth is a spiritual practice that invites visitors to walk a sacred … Continued

Humanist Discussion: TBA

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion! This week’s topic is: TBA   Humanist Discussions is an opportunity to share your insights and ideas about topics which … Continued

Weekly Meditation

In the Parlor off of Fellowship Hall Led by Ian Kepler, a social worker and therapist with ten years of meditation experience in the Zen Buddhist tradition. Join for an … Continued

Astoria Happy Hour!

Join your fellow PUUFers for a drink and a chat at: Pacific Distillery   55 Fourth Street, Astoria

Weaving Our Lives

Sunday Worship for UUA GA   We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and … Continued

Humanist Discussion: Debate Aftermath and More

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion! This week’s topic is: "Presidential Debate Aftermath" and "Why Magical Thinking?"   Humanist Discussions is an opportunity to share your … Continued

Weekly Meditation

In the Parlor off of Fellowship Hall Led by Ian Kepler, a social worker and therapist with ten years of meditation experience in the Zen Buddhist tradition. Join for an … Continued

Wisdom Wednesdays: UU and YOU

The next Zoom meeting of this lay-lead study group exploring topics in UU theology and history is this week, July 3 at 7:00 PM.   If interested in joining, please email … Continued

Astoria Happy Hour

Join your fellow PUUFers for a drink and a chat: Merry Time Bar & Grill   995 Marine Dr, Astoria

Soapbox Sunday

Arline LaMear   A soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech, often about a political subject. The term originates from the days when speakers … Continued