Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

Google Map

Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

NO Office Hours this week

Rev. Mira is taking some well-deserved time off.  She will let us know when she's ready to resume office hours, but it won't be until sometime after January.

NO Weekly Meditation

Ian is taking some well-deserved time off.  He will let us know when he's ready to resume the weekly meditation, but it won't be until sometime after January.

Humanist Discussion Group: 14th Amendment and Paternalism

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion!   This week’s topic is: "Use of 14th Amendment to Stop Trump" and "Paternalism"   Humanist Discussions is an opportunity to share your insights and ideas about topics which pertain to the human condition.  Come with your thoughts, free of concern about how they may … Continued

NO Office Hours this week

Rev. Mira is taking some well-deserved time off.  She will let us know when she's ready to resume office hours, but it won't be until sometime after January.

NO Weekly Meditation

Ian is taking some well-deserved time off.  He will let us know when he's ready to resume the weekly meditation, but it won't be until sometime after January.

Pacific CUUPs Open Drum Circle

All are welcome!  Bring a drum, or just come!  We have extras! In the Fellowship Hall of the 1st Presbyterian church off 11th and Harrison.

Helping Hands Reentry

Josh Blomquist Josh Blomquist from Helping Hands Reentry Program will provide an update on this organization which now has 11 facilities in Oregon dedicated to “providing a helping hand to sustainable life through Resources, Recovery and Reentry.” ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are meeting in person at the … Continued

Humanist Discussion: Benevolent Sexism

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion!   This week’s topic is: Benevolent Sexism   Humanist Discussions is an opportunity to share your insights and ideas about topics which pertain to the human condition.  Come with your thoughts, free of concern about how they may be received. Please contact Tod at … Continued