Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

Google Map

Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

NO Office Hours

Rev. Mira is taking some well-deserved time off.  She will let us know when she’s ready to resume office hours, but it won’t be until sometime after January.

NO Weekly Meditation

Ian is taking some well-deserved time off.  He will let us know when he’s ready to resume the weekly meditation, but it won’t be until sometime after January.

Astoria Happy Hour

Join your fellow PUUFers for a drink and a chat at: Astoria Brewing Company 144 11th St, Astoria

Reparations for Black Americans

Laura Gordon Slavery, Jim Crow and continued systemic racism have resulted in a racial wealth gap between Black and White Americans.  Many advocate for cash reparations.  But repairing the harm will require more than just a onetime cash payment.  True repentance and repair for centuries of horrific violence is needed.  According to Maimonides' Law of … Continued

NO Office Hours

Rev. Mira is taking some well-deserved time off.  She will let us know when she’s ready to resume office hours, but it won’t be until sometime after January.

NO Weekly Meditation

Ian is taking some well-deserved time off.  He will let us know when he’s ready to resume the weekly meditation, but it won’t be until sometime after January.

Astoria Happy Hour

Join your fellow PUUFers for a drink and a chat at: Astoria Brewing Company 144 11th St, Astoria

PUUF Board of Trustees Meeting

All are welcome to come listen.  If you have an issue you wish to have addressed, please email Terri at to add it to the agenda. The board will meet in the parlor off the Fellowship hall.

Service is Our Prayer

Arline LaMear We are a fellowship of volunteers, making our communities better places to live.  We will hear from our members what they're up to and how they're helping to make a difference in our community. ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are meeting in person at the First … Continued

Humanist Discussion: Critical Thinking

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion! This week’s topic is: Critical Thinking   Humanist Discussions is an opportunity to share your insights and ideas about topics which pertain to the human condition.  Come with your thoughts, free of concern about how they may be received. Please contact Tod at to … Continued

Office Hours with Reverend Mira

Reverend Kepler is once again holding weekly office hours via Zoom, and anyone in the fellowship is welcome to come for some or all of time. Please email for the link. "As I return from maternity leave, I'm open to finding a time for office hours that works for more people wishing to participate. If … Continued

Weekly Meditation Group

Parlor off of Fellowship hall Led by Ian Kepler, a social worker and therapist with ten years of meditation experience in the Zen Buddhist tradition. Join for an evening of meditation that will include instruction, sitting, and reflection. The group is designed with beginners in mind and more experience is also welcome.