Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

Google Map

Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

Tillamook County Coffee Klatch

Tillamook County Coffee Klatch this month is at June’s home in Manzanita as usual.  A reminder has been sent out to the regular attendees with address and directions to June’s house. Tillamook County residents who would like to attend but who didn’t receive the reminder, can email Kit ( to see if there is space … Continued

Hope has Human Hands

“Hope Has Human Hands” – Rev. Kit Ketcham.  Sometimes hope is hard to come by, especially in tumultuous times, when nothing is what it ought to be and we see no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  Rev. Kit Ketcham will speak about her theology of Hope.   ~Open hearts, open minds, room … Continued

Pagan Coffee (Pacific CUUPs)

We will meet at Bridgewater Bistro in person at 1:30pm!  We'll have a bite and figure out a topic of discussion! Looking forward to seeing everyone! Email if you need further info!

Youth Religious Education

Youth Religious Education is available for ages 4 through 14 years old on Zoom. We go over our 8 UU principles throughout the year, along with world religions, cultivating relationships, human rights, and so much more.  We break things down, so all ages can engage.  We share using “talking stones” and will occasionally invite participants … Continued

Humanist Discussion: Conversation with a Conservative

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion! The topic for next weeks discussion will be: Conversation with a Conservative We are fortunate to have a Conservative join us this coming Monday to present a conservative point of view. We will give him an opportunity to present his thoughts before any interruptions. Please … Continued

South County/Seaside Coffee Klatch–STAY TUNED!!

Full Coffee Klatch this month will depend on Covid numbers. CONTACT KIT TO SEE IF FULL REGULAR COFFEE KLATCH IS A GO AND WHERE. If there is no full meeting, then mini-klatches of 3-4 people are encouraged, and let Kit know what was discussed for News from the Pews. Email Kit ( to see what … Continued

Helping Instead of Hurting: Palliative Care

“Helping Instead of Hurting: How Palliative Care Can Increase Quality of Life and Reduce Suffering of Those Living with Chronic Conditions” – Jacqueline DeVaney, Family Nurse Practitioner.  Palliative care is a branch of healthcare that is not well known or understood, even amongst many health care providers and workers.  However, the need for it grows … Continued

Pagan Meetup (Pacific CUUPs)

We will meet at Bridgewater Bistro in person and on zoom at 1:30pm!  We'll have a bite and discuss what we do/like to do for Ostara, and possibly talk about UU general assembly.  If you can't make it in person, join by zoom! Looking forward to seeing everyone! Email for the zoom link or … Continued

Youth Religious Education

Youth Religious Education is available for ages 4 through 14 years old on Zoom. We go over our 8 UU principles throughout the year, along with world religions, cultivating relationships, human rights, and so much more.  We break things down, so all ages can engage.  We share using “talking stones” and will occasionally invite participants … Continued

Humanist Discussion: Conversation with a Conservative Round 2

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion! The topic for next weeks discussion will be: Conversation with a Conservative Round 2 We are fortunate to have another Conservative join us this coming Monday to present their point of view. We will give him an opportunity to present his thoughts before any interruptions. … Continued

Astoria Coffee Klatch is Back!

Astoria Coffee Klatch will meet at 10 a.m., at Street 14 (corner of Commercial and 14th), on Saturday March 5th, in the large side room of the cafe. *The rules: all participants must be double vaxxed and also boosted. We’ll wear masks when we’re not eating or drinking, as we will be indoors. If we … Continued

The Power of Words: Using Our Voices for Good

"The Power of Words: Using Our Voices for Good" Naomi Fisher We live in a world inundated with others’ voices – media messaging, social networking, political lies.  How can we make our own voices heard?  Can our voices possibly make a difference?  In the immortal words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group … Continued