Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

Google Map

Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

PUUF BoT Meeting

Its BoT meeting time again!  The meeting will be in the sitting room off the Fellowship Hall. This Meeting will be in person.  Please contact the President Terri at for further information or for the zoom link if you can’t make it in person.

Getting Siblied

Mallory Eaglewood's paternal grandparents shared a wound - both of them were forced to leave their families as children to assimilate into a culture that wasn't theirs. But one was a White man, and one was a Native woman, meaning the grandmother's history and culture were secret, not to be spoken of in public. Their … Continued

Pacific CUUPagans Meetup

PacCUUPs will meet at Street 14 Cafe in Astoria at 2pm on Sunday.  Come join us!

Humanist Discussion is Back!

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion!   Humanist Discussions is an opportunity to share your insights and ideas about topics which pertain to the human condition. Please contact Tod at to be put on the distribution list for information on the topics and Zoom invitations to participate in the discussions.

Happy Hour!

Ahoy PUUF Mateys: Happy Hour has Returned! In need of some buoyancy to keep you afloat these days? Join your fellow PUUF pirates every Thursday at 4 pm for a great river view, a beverage or two and convivial chat. Arrgh! Look for the table at the back.   WineKraft Wine Bar #80 Tenth Street Pier 11 … Continued

Peninsula Coffee Klatch

The Peninsula Coffee Klatch will be at Colleen’s in Ocean Park (1024 Bay Ave). for coffee and goodies, and yarn and craft shopping if you’re so inclined! A reminder will be sent out to the regular attendees with address, directions and contact info. Peninsula residents who would like to attend but who didn’t receive the reminder, can … Continued

Coming Back to the Center

Rev Carol McKinley The common good is the moral center on which this country was founded, yet it seems as if there is a decreasing sense that we are all in this together. We must reclaim and proclaim our understanding of the common good, reminding ourselves and others that each of us exists in relationship … Continued

Humanist Discussion: The Impact of the Election

Come join us for our online Zoom meeting Humanist Discussion! Topic: The Impact of the Election Humanist Discussions is an opportunity to share your insights and ideas about topics which pertain to the human condition. Please contact Tod at to be put on the distribution list for information on the topics and Zoom invitations … Continued

PUUF Happy Hour!

Ahoy PUUF Mateys: Happy Hour has Returned! In need of some buoyancy to keep you afloat these days? Join your fellow PUUF pirates every Thursday at 4 pm for a great river view, a beverage or two and convivial chat. Arrgh! Look for the table at the back.   WineKraft Wine Bar #80 Tenth Street Pier 11 … Continued

Thanksgiving Dinner with the Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church of Astoria has invited Pacific UU Fellowship to join them for a potluck Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 17 at 5:30 PM in Fellowship Hall.

Tillamook Coffee Klatch

Tillamook County Coffee Klatch is in June’s Garage in Manzanita as usual.  A reminder has been sent out to the regular attendees with address and directions to June’s house. Tillamook County residents who would like to attend but who didn’t receive the reminder, can email Kit ( to see if there is space available. The … Continued

South County Coffee Klatch

South County Coffee Klatch is at Nancy’s home in Seaside.  A reminder has been sent out to the regular attendees with address and directions to Nancy’s house.  Bring a dish to share, it's a potluck lunch! *Note:  New Meeting Time 12pm!   South County residents who would like to attend but who didn’t receive the reminder, … Continued