Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

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Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

Introduction to the Catholic Workers Movement

Introduction to the Catholic Worker Movement: Building "a society where it's easier to be good" Members of the Simone Weil Catholic Worker in NE Portland will introduce the Catholic Worker movement, focusing on the three key components of the Catholic Worker "program": houses of hospitality, roundtable discussions for "clarification of thought," and "agronomic universities." They … Continued

November Coffee Klatch Discussions: Gratitude for Community

Over the month of November, as I've visited each of the coffee klatches, I've noticed something that relates both to Unitarian Universalism AND to the health of our community here on the Lower Columbia. I'll be sharing my thoughts and hoping for a lively discussion at the end of the homily!   ~Open hearts, open minds, … Continued

Winter Restores

Jennifer Springsteen With every turning of the season, there is peace to be found in nature. When we take our cues from the web of all existence, we see the possibilities for quiet, joy, and restoration. Jennifer Springsteen is in her final year of seminary at Starr King School for the Ministry in Oakland. As a … Continued

Songs of the Season

PUUF Choir Enjoy (and sing along with) songs for this holiday season. Jennifer Goodenberger directs the PUUF Choir in joyous song! After the service, come to Fellowship Hall for coffee hour and to help wrap gifts for the holiday family.   ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are meeting … Continued

Pacific CUUPs Yule

Come join the Pacific Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans in Celebrating Yule, the Longest Night! We will talk about and honor Krampus and St. Lucia, as well as discuss other European Folk Traditions and the significance of the Yule/Christmas tree and its origins.  If you wish to honor or give offerings to any other deities … Continued

NO SERVICE! Have a Merry Christmas!

No Service today due to Christmas.  PUUF wishes you the best and hopes you have a fantastic holiday, however you might celebrate it.  See you next week!

Letting Go and Opening to Receiving

When we let go of all the things that we cannot control, when we stop shoulding on ourselves and others, shouldn'ting on ourselves and others, worrying about the future, and wishing the past could have been different than it was, then we open ourselves to the gift of the present moment. The only thing we … Continued

Challenges: Our Comfort, Our Concerns, Our Creativity

Reverend Kit Ketcham Meeting with the four coffee klatches over the past several months and listening to their thoughts and ideas, I've learned quite a bit that I'd like to share with you today.  We'll have time at the end of the homily for some discussion.

The Poor People’s Campaign

Jan. 15 – Arline LaMear ~ “The Poor People’s Campaign” The Poor People’s Campaign, or Poor People’s March on Washington, was a 1968 effort to gain economic justice for poor people in the U.S. It was organized by Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and carried out under the leadership … Continued

SHOWING the Living Tradition

Art Service led by Laura J and Meredith. PUUF visual artists will share their works, which demonstrate our Unitarian Universalist Principles. You will be introduced to some of the many wonderful artists in our fellowship such as Laura, Dave, Cicely, and Kerry and their fields of art.   ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all … Continued


Our speaker via Zoom, Ruth Lindemann lived through “Kristalnacht”, She has graciously agreed to speak to us about the events leading up to “Kristalnacht”, the event itself and what happened afterwards.  This is a “must hear” event, so please tell your friends about it.  If you want to hear her story ahead of time, her … Continued

Three Remarkable Men

Dave Ambrose   We all meet people who inspire us to be better people and do better things.  Dave Ambrose will introduce us to 3 people he has met in his travels and relate how their faith and UU principles have similarities.  The 3 people who have devoted their lives to serving others are two … Continued