Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

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Sunday Services: See newsletter for links


Reverend Kit Ketcham Epiphany! What have been the moments in your life when suddenly everything changed because of some unexpected insight? Four PUUFers will speak about their epiphany moments: Melissa, Arline, Dave, and Laura. Rev. Kit Ketcham will connect the dots.   ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are … Continued

Finding the Silver Lining

Meredith Richardson & Laura Janes Have you ever wondered how some people seem to keep smiling, despite having gone through some terrible times? We all have stories we tell ourselves about how the world works, and these shape our perception of the world and ourselves. When you can find the silver lining in things that … Continued

Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice

Jennifer Springsteen Forgiveness honors the heart’s greatest dignity. Whenever we are lost, it brings us back to the ground of love. Without forgetting, we can utilize forgiveness as a vessel for spiritual healing.   ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. … Continued

The 100th Anniversary of the Flower Communion Ceremony

Laura Gordon It was 100 years ago that Norbert Capek held the first Flower Communion in Prague. Capek is considered one of the martyrs of the Unitarian faith, but a century later his Flower Ceremony remains a beautiful expression of all that the Unitarian Universalists of today value. Please bring a flower to the ceremony, where … Continued

Pride Service: “Our Many Lovers” 

Reverend Kit Ketcham When the world is scary and our friends are in danger, when we ourselves are in danger, how do we cope? On this Pride Sunday, we'll hear our friends Jerry Middaugh and Joanne Rideout sing the Pete Seeger song "Old Devil Time", Sean Minogue will be our Pride speaker, Adriana Guerrero will … Continued

UUA General Assembly Worship Service

Potluck & Membership Meeting We will stream a worship service from the UUA General Assembly, which is happening this week in Pittsburgh. This means our service will be longer than usual. We will have our annual Membership Meeting and election of officers for the Board of Trustees immediately after the service. This will be our … Continued

This Is Not a Dharma Talk

Reverend Mira Kepler  Amidst the ancient wisdom and teachings of the world’s prophets and religions, Unitarian Universalism holds up another source of truth: the sacred text of our own lives. Join Reverend Mira to explore the ways we can explore these rich and varied stories to live into our fullest selves.   ~Open hearts, open minds, … Continued

Universalism: Past, Present and Powerful

Rev. Kalen Fristad Rev. Fristad will speak on the long rich history of Universalism. He will be relating that the teaching of eternal damnation is not merely a harmless untruth that we might appropriately ignore and allow to stand, but that it has serious consequences. It leads to the possibility, perhaps even the inevitability, of … Continued

An Evolving Faith

Rev. Carol McKinley  Nearly 2,500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus is believed to have said, “The only constant in life is change.” No one today can deny the truth of that statement, although many try! After all, there is great comfort in having everything remain the same. But change is inevitable, and it opens doors … Continued

Pacific CUUPs Lughnasadh Ritual and Coffenbury Lake Potluck

Come to Picnic Shelter A, Coffenbury Lake, Fort Stevens Potluck/Picnic Come join Pacific CUUPs and PUUF celebrate the first harvest festival!  Our ritual will include honoring the deities of the occasion including Lugh and his foster mother Tailtiu.  The first harvest is focused on the grains, and was very significant in ancient times due to … Continued

Report from GA/Article II Information

Discussion on GA topics.  More info TBA ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom for those who are not comfortable attending in person.  Masks are now optional but strongly advised. If you … Continued

The Heart of the Matter

Jennifer Springsteen It is said that Unitarianism is the head of our religion and Universalism is the heart.  From this big beating heart, we come to know how deeply we are loved, like it or not. Jennifer has completed her final year of seminary at Starr King School for the Ministry in Oakland.  She and … Continued