Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

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Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

Roll Away the Stone and Embrace Life’s Miracles

  When we consider the Christian story of Easter, we get bogged down with the ideas of suffering, sin, and proof of the resurrection.  What can we learn from the Christ story?  How can we keep our hearts open to miracles?   ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are … Continued

My Journey Through Breast Cancer with Music Guiding the Way

Noted local violinist Kim Angelis will talk about the twists, turns and surprises of her journey through breast cancer treatment, and how they affected her musical odyssey.  She will also perform compositions that emerged from that experience.   ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~   We are meeting in person at the First … Continued

The History of Beltane and the Maypole

Beltane is the Gaelic May Day Festival. Most commonly it is held on May 1st, or about halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. It is one of the four Gaelic Festivals - along with Samhain, Imbolc and Lughnasadh.   … Continued

Gifts from Mothers and other-Mothers

On Mother’s Day, Rev. Kit will look at the gifts we receive from our mothers, whether our moms were “stellar or cellar”, meaning that we may receive useful gifts from even bad mothering.


Rev. Carol McKinley –  How are we, as Unitarian Universalists, to respond to attempts in recent months to ban books and censor honest accounts of history?  As a tradition rooted in a commitment to the use of reason and freedom of religious thought, our long history as a faith that has been labeled a heresy … Continued

The Purpose of Poetry

Rev. Lynn Ungar – People have a wide range of responses to poetry, from a deep sense of meaning and connection to an aversion to something that seems unnecessarily obscure.  But what, exactly is poetry for?  And what might that purpose have to do with religion? Dr. Lynn Ungar is a poet, UU minister and … Continued

Making Peace with End of Life-Service

Dr. Terri Daniel – This will include the sermon at noon, a light lunch, followed by a workshop of the same title from 2-4 p.m. Dr. Terry Daniel is an interfaith hospice chaplain, end-of-life educator, and grief counselor certified in death, dying, bereavement, and trauma support.  She conducts workshops throughout the U.S. and teaches at … Continued

Flowers of our Fathers

The Flower Communion, for us Unitarian Universalists, celebrates an important event in UU history.  For this special Sunday, we ask you to bring a flower or two from your own garden or wildflowers or Freddie's, whatever works for you.  During our service (Flowers for our Fathers), we will hear the story of the Flower Communion … Continued

Pride Sunday

Benedetto De Francisco will speak on Pride.

Restorative Justice – Laura Gordon

Should we “Defund the Police”? The philosophy of justice held by the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee, as discussed in the book “Covered With Night” by Nicole Eustace, is what we would today call restorative justice. Their concept of building accountability, creating a community of caring, and supporting basic human rights can combine to create … Continued

UUA General Assembly Sunday Service: “The Deal on Those Days”

We will Zoom in individually to the UUA General Assembly Sunday Morning Worship Service from 9:30 am-11:00 am. The title is “The Deal on Those Days”. The last few years have not been easy, including in our local congregations. Whole swaths of members have simply stopped coming: COVID is confusing and polarizing. . . In this moment when so … Continued

Martineau Around the World Part II

Having told us about how they got to South Korea, Dean and Tina will now tell us more about teaching and living in South Korea, as well as some cultural events and festivals they got to see and experience on their trips and travels in this country.