Celebrating New Additions and Continuous Transformation
Meredith Richardson 2023 was a good year. 2024 will be a good year as well. Every new person in our fellowship creates a new way of being together in … Continued
Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays; Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings.
Meeting ID and Password available from president@pacuuf.org or by joining our email list.
Meredith Richardson 2023 was a good year. 2024 will be a good year as well. Every new person in our fellowship creates a new way of being together in … Continued
Josh Blomquist Josh Blomquist from Helping Hands Reentry Program will provide an update on this organization which now has 11 facilities in Oregon dedicated to “providing a helping hand to … Continued
Intern Minister Danielle Garrett As Unitarian Universalists who covenant together in community and promote the free and responsible search for truth and meaning, we affirm our identity as spiritual and … Continued
Come join Pacific CUUPs for our Imbolc Ritual! It is a time of new beginnings and growth. We start to notice the longer, warmer days as the dark winter fades and the … Continued
Reverend Patti Pomerantz I became Unitarian Universalist 37 years ago; before that I was a Reform Jew. Now, at the end of my working career as a UU minister, I … Continued
Tina Martineau Institutional Racism is the term for forms of racism structured into the nation’s political and social institutions. Segregation, red-lining, and other such forms of active racism have been … Continued
Laura Gordon Slavery, Jim Crow and continued systemic racism have resulted in a racial wealth gap between Black and White Americans. Many advocate for cash reparations. But repairing the harm … Continued
Arline LaMear We are a fellowship of volunteers, making our communities better places to live. We will hear from our members what they're up to and how they're helping to … Continued
Rev Mira Kepler As we set the clocks forward, join Rev. Mira to reflect on the changes that spring brings. What are you cultivating in this coming season? What … Continued
Living Into the Living System, a sermon by Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, gives positive thoughts and reflections on how to navigate our current world with love and courage. Lay leader … Continued
Rev. Barbara Prose President of the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice (IMIrJ) Founded in 2006, IMIrJ is an organization formed by diverse faith communities, faith leaders, and individuals called … Continued
What is Paganism? What are Pagans beliefs? Pacific CUUPagans will provide an introduction to paganism…what is it, what it isn't, what is its history, and what are the practices of … Continued