Services are currently a hybrid of both in person and via Zoom at this time (subject to change depending on Covid status) -- at 12 noon Sundays;  Zoom Links are sent out to members in the Monday newsletter and again on Sunday mornings. 

Meeting ID and Password available from or by joining our email list.

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Sunday Services: See newsletter for links

Discussion: The Many Kinds of Love

Todd Lundy will lead the discussion where we will be invited to talk about the many ways in which we feel love.  We may even discover some categories among them which may help us understand this ubiquitous, diverse and yet very important concept. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall (not the Sanctuary).

What does Spring Mean to You?

“So, What Does Spring Mean to You?“  A discussion with Tod Lundy Anything that pertains to Spring is fair game for discussion moderated by Tod. (The KKK in Astoria message is postponed to the following week) ~Open hearts, open minds, room for all theologies, including yours~ We are meeting in person at the First Presbyterian … Continued

Discussion Sunday: The Range of Human Beliefs *ZOOM ONLY!!

"The Range of Human Beliefs:  Spiritual Beliefs" Discussion lead by Tod Lundy What does the word “spiritual” mean to you?  What does it mean when someone proclaims that they are “spiritual" but not "religious"? How are the "spiritual" aspects of life different from the "mystical" ? Beliefs about sanctity of human life: When does a foetus … Continued

Discussion Sunday: Spirituality & Mystic Thought *ZOOM ONLY!

Discussion is online via Zoom only!  We are NOT meeting in person!   The Range of Human Beliefs:  Spirituality & Mystic Thought:  This is a continuation of our summer series focused on beliefs.  Please be ready to discuss questions such as: What does "spirituality" mean to you?  Is there a spiritual dimension to your belief system?  … Continued

Discussion Sunday: Beliefs About the Origin of Human Beings *ZOOM ONLY!

Discussion is online via Zoom only!  We are NOT meeting in person!   "The Range of Human Beliefs:  Beliefs About the Origin of Human Beings" Beliefs about origins of human beings (anthropological, religious). Origin in utero  When are the aged no longer human? Are there classes, casts or races which are more human than others?) Discussion Led … Continued

Summer Potluck at Coffenbury Lake, Ft. Stevens

We are having another potluck at Coffenbury Lake in Ft. Stevens, so bring a dish to share! We have invited our friends from the LGBTQ+ community to join us so we hope we’ll have a good crowd. No service in the sanctuary, no Zoom service, no separate RE! To reach Coffenbury Lake from Astoria, turn … Continued

Getting Siblied

Mallory Eaglewood's paternal grandparents shared a wound - both of them were forced to leave their families as children to assimilate into a culture that wasn't theirs. But one was a White man, and one was a Native woman, meaning the grandmother's history and culture were secret, not to be spoken of in public. Their … Continued

Books and Movies for the New Year – in Fellowship Hall

Arline LaMear. You’re invited to share your favorite book(s), movies, or T.V. series with the Fellowship. It’s great to get recommendations from friends. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall.  If you plan to share, please bring your recommendation(s) on a 3x5 card with the name of the book, author, and a brief description. Arline will … Continued