The Pacific Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Astoria has been a voice for liberal religion and progressive values in our community for over 30 years.

We have a legacy of “deeds not creeds.” Our work for a better world calls us to unexpected places as we harness love’s power to stop oppression. From grassroots community organizing to interfaith state, national, and corporate advocacy; in protest marches, prayer vigils, and press conferences; in homeless shelters and in roadside and beach cleanups, we put our faith into action.

Our justice efforts are grounded in our congregationally-driven social justice statements and our call to break down divisions, heal isolation, and honor the interconnectedness of all life and all justice issues. We model these commitments by creating just, welcoming, and inclusive congregations. We act in partnership with groups and communities most impacted by injustice on local, state, national, and international levels.

Collectively the aim of this body is to inspire, educate, and mobilize people to build a more democratic, peaceful, equitable, and life-sustaining world.  We fight for justice in many areas including the following:  economic, environmental, immigrant, LGBTQ, racial, reproductive, and voting.  Come join us in the fight to bring healing to our community and beyond!

PUUF has a committee of dedicated people involved in Justice issues in our local community and on the state and national scene.  Activities will be posted under “Events” or on the bottom left of the “Home” page as they are organized.  If you are interested in helping, please use the contact form at the bottom of the Location/Contact page.

You can connect with Washington state-wide UU Voices for Justice at


March for Our Lives 3-24-2018
March for Our Lives 3-24-2018




PUUFers helped with the cleanup of Sunset Beach, July 5

Sunset Beach cleanup July 5