Our Leaders
We currently have a quarter-time Minister, Rev. Mira Kepler.
- Email: Pastor@Pacuuf.org
Board of Directors
July 2024-June 2025
- President: Steven Peterson
- Email: President@Pacuuf.org
- Vice-President: Kelli Mack
- Secretary: Laura Gordon
- Treasurer: Dave Ambrose
- Email: Treasurer@Pacuuf.org
- Members at Large:
- Frank Erickson
- Becky Thormahlen
- Meredith Richardson
Committees and Service Opportunities:
You may notice a lot of opportunities to step up and serve the Fellowship. If you are willing to serve on any of these committees, let President Steven Peterson know!
We are in the process of gathering information for this page and updates will be made as it becomes available.
Sunday Services
Hospitality – arranging refreshments and cleanup
Tech Committee – Hosting the zoom meeting, website maintenance, facebook page maintenamce.
Pacific CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans)
For information about Pacific CUUPS click here —> Pacific CUUPagans – Pacific Unitarian Universalist Fellowship