Ostara – A Pagan Spring Rite
We honor the Vernal equinox. This unique time of balance between day and night. Ostara celebrates the ancient rates of renewal as the Earth turns slowly from winter to spring. As the light slowly overtakes the dark and we rejoice in new beginnings. CUUPS members … read more.
PUUF News:
Pacific CUUPs is Official!

Pacific Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Sunday Service at 12 noon in person and via Zoom at this time.
–Social time after the serviceMailing Address:
PO Box 1319, Astoria OR
Phone: (503) 741-9492
Email: pacuuf@gmail.com
UUA National News
UUA General Assembly Schedule
UUA General Assembly in being held in Baltimore, MD from June 18 – June 22, 2025. More details and resources will be posted to this page as they become available.
Visit the UUA Website for more information.
COVID Precautions – Strategies For Navigating This “New Normal” from February 2022.
To read full newsletter click here:
Coronavirus and PUUF
Even though the CDC has lifted the Public Health Emergency declaration as of May 11th, 2023, a ‘summer spike’ of new cases of CoVid-19 are being reported in the US and around the world; even though the CDC is not recommending mask wearing or restrictions on gatherings, our fellowship with many people at increased risk due to age and other pre-existing conditions is again called on to be educated and exercise caution. Several of our members have tested positive for Covid in the last few weeks of July and early August. Immunity is waning from previous vaccinations. A new Omicron variant named Eris has been identified and is extremely infectious and difficult to avoid.
The total numbers of cases remain low, but incidence of new cases is climbing.
Some guidelines and precautions we can follow to reduce the risk to our community and ourselves are again to be considered.
Please follow these precautions even if you think you are not high risk.
- Wash your hands frequently using soap and water, and scrub for at least 20 seconds.
- Sneeze or cough into a tissue (or, less ideally, into the crook of your elbow), not your hand, and wash your hands immediately after.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth, nose and eyes, with unwashed hands.
- Regularly disinfect frequently touched surfaces including door knobs and countertops.
- Use hand sanitizer, rubbing it on all surfaces of your hands and allowing it to air dry.
- Stay home if you are sick. Avoid contact with someone who is sick. (This means avoiding being in close quarters with crowds of strangers from many remote locations and wearing a mask if you can’t avoid being in close quarters.)
- Greet others in non-physical or low contact ways, avoiding handshakes and hugging in favor of fist bumps, shoulder touches or even bowing.
Recent Posts
- Come Support the Area Pride Events! May 28, 2024
- About Ruben Perez February 7, 2024
- Clifford LaMear Obituary July 4, 2023
- Interfaith Earth Month Webinar Series: Care for Creation is a Sacred Honor we all Share March 31, 2023
- The Article II Study Commission Report January 23, 2023
- November 2022 News from the Pews November 28, 2022
- Refreshing Our UU Values-The Article 2 Study Commission October 11, 2022
- September News from the Pews September 26, 2022
Social Activities at PUUF
At Pacific Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, in addition to Sunday Services, forging friendships is an important part of building our community. Here is a list of activities available outside of Sunday Services.
Potlucks: Every second Sunday of the month we held a potluck lunch. This was a chance to meet other members and friends of PUUF in an informal setting and is an important part of our community.
Happy Hour: On every Thursday many of us meet at a local bar and grill for PUUF Happy Hour from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Location varies.
Wisdom Wednesdays. Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday via Zoom. Laura Gordon hosts a discussion related to a UU principle.
Q Center Game Night. Every second Thursday from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Lower Columbia Q Center people gather for fun and games.
Potlucks: Every second Sunday of the month we held a potluck lunch. This was a chance to meet other members and friends of PUUF in an informal setting and is an important part of our community.
Happy Hour: On every Thursday many of us meet at a local bar and grill for PUUF Happy Hour from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Location varies.
Wisdom Wednesdays. Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday via Zoom. Laura Gordon hosts a discussion related to a UU principle.
Q Center Game Night. Every second Thursday from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Lower Columbia Q Center people gather for fun and games.